Investor Complaints Data
Month | Received From | Carried forward from perevious month |
Received during the month |
Total Pending | Pending at the end of the month |
Pending at the end of the month |
Apr-23 | Directly from investors | - | - | - | - | NA |
Apr-23 | Directly from investors | - | - | - | - | NA |
Trend of Monthly Disposal of Complaints
Month | Carried forward from perevious month | Received | Resolved* | Pending |
Apr-23 | Directly from investors | - | - | - |
Apr-23 | Directly from investors | - | - | - |
Trend of Annual Disposal of Complaints
Year | Carried forward from perevious Year | Received | Resolved* | Pending |
Apr-23 | Directly from investors | -fdg | -dfg | -dfg |
Apr-23 | Directly from investors | - | - | - |